Mobile Technology

Mobile Technology

PACS – Fisheries Application

ITSPURS has developed and continues to support PACS Fisheries Application, a software solution for Watershed Support Services and Activities Network (WASSAN). It is developed as part of the Livelihood Intervention Models for Socially Excluded Communities under Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme [PACS] project.

PACS Fisheries Application enables data collection (including photographs with geo codes and date-time stamp) of households and water bodies through surveys, automatically creates customized monthly advisories for fish farmers based on expert opinion and thumb rules on the baseline data, enables tracking of advisory implementation and creates reports for further review and timely actions for maximum productivity gains. PACS Fisheries solution comprises of a mobile application and a centralized cloud based server application. The mobile application is used conduct household surveys and water body management for on-field data collection. Data collected from several such mobile devices across multiple locations can is automatically uploaded to a centralized server that facilitates consolidated view and allows for further analysis. This server side application also has a consolidated dashboard view, advisory creation, Google maps integration, hierarchical view of the household and water bodies and over 20 reports for supervision and monitoring.

Material And Vehicle Tracking System

ITSPURS has developed Gate application, a software solution for material and vehicle tracking across the remote camp sites. The entire solution has been conceived and developed with active support from its customers.

Gate application enables near real-time transaction data collection and reporting of material and vehicle movement at remote project Camp Sites. The complete solution comprises of a mobile application and a centralized cloud based server application. The mobile app is used to collect on-field transaction data of every incoming and outgoing truck loaded with construction material at each and every remote camp site. The transaction data includes photographs of material, vehicle registration number and material documents along with other critical material details, vehicle source and destination points etc. Such collected transaction data from mobile application at the gate of every camp and every truck on a daily basis is automatically uploaded to a centralized cloud-based server application and is inserted into a database. This server side application provides a consolidated dashboard view of all camps sites transactions, about 20 camp-wise customized reports regarding material and vehicle movements, integration with weigh-bridge and ERP data import and generation of reconciliation reports.

ITSPURS delivered and deployed the Gate Application Software Solution across several camp sites. It is currently under maintenance and support.

Village GIS

ITSPURS has developed and continues to support VillageGIS mobile application, a Public Participatory GIS (PP-GIS) software solution for providing GIS based services using the latest mobile technologies.

VillageGIS mobile application is developed with a focus on Public Participatory model, enabling the usage of the mobile device and software by the stakeholders and beneficiaries. It can be used to capture many land related features such as roads, water bodies (wells, streams, roads, houses, trees, fields etc) in a digital format using GPS coordinates, photographs, audio and video. It can also be used to collect any meta data of such features or owners of fields and households. VillageGIS has been designed to be a very user-friendly application and has an open interface for configuring various projects and provides interface across multiple languages. Such captured digital field data is then automatically uploaded to a centralized GIS Server in both offline and online mode in near real-time. This centralized data can also be imported into a GIS Client for creation of GIS features, data visualization and analysis for further actions to develop and conserve valuable land resources.

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